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HSBC(汇丰),Barclay(巴克莱),Lloyds 和TSB(原本是同一家银行,但是在2013年9月起Lloyds和TSB分家了),The Royal bank of Scotland(简称RBS,苏格兰皇家银行),Natwest(西敏寺)。其中,还有halifax, Natwest 和The Royal bank of Scotland又是同属于一个集团The Royal Bank ofScotland Group plc。Santander(桑坦德)这一源自西班牙的在大英逐日蒸蒸日上的银行,也有越来越多留学生青睐和选择,以及co-operative bank等等
International student account
每个月资费5磅 3% AER/2.96% gross (variable) on balances from up to a maximum of £500(注)如果要收到利息,每月需存至少50磅入户头 每月可以存一张免国外支票,无手续费 将会有contactless银行卡,就是20磅以下消费无需输入密码,只需要在支持contactless的机器上轻轻触碰一下即可完成交易。减少输入密码次数更安全。 特殊优惠:Retailer Offers 就是注册了santander网上银行之后,通过网上银行或者app中的Retailer Offers中的商家进行消费,就可以获得最高到15%的返现。 每个月3%的ARE其实很可观。所以其实这5磅钱资费你随便就可以从他的其他offer中赚回来。 |
3% AER/2.96% gross (variable) on balances from up to a maximum of £500. One free deposit of a foreign cheque each month. A Visa debit card. The £5 fee will be taken from your account each month To receive interest you must pay at least £50 into your account each month Let us know when your course completes and we will close the account for you You can also make contactless payments with an iPhone 6 (or later) or Apple Watch by linking your card to your device and using Apple Pay. Retailer Offers: Retailer Offers lets you earn cashback when you use your Santander debit or credit card1. This service is available to you if you use Online or Mobile Banking. Once you've switched on this service you may earn up to 15% cashback at a range of major retailers. Simply switch on this service within Online or Mobile Banking and start earning today. |
GROSS是毛利率,NET是利息税后净利率,目前英国利息税为20%,所以,除了部分免利息税的金融产品,GROSS × 80% = NET。
如果存款利息是一年一付,AER = GROSS;如果一月一付,十二个月利滚利,((GROSS ÷ 12) + 100%)12 – 100% = AER。
每日最高可以提取300磅现金(ATM上,柜台支取除外) 将会拥有一个Go big and go home with 1/3 off coach travel优惠卡,使用这张卡乘坐national express大巴将有六折优惠,有效期4年哦~ 并且有一个紧急现金支取功能,就是你的卡丢了,但是你可以在ATM机上支取一定数量的现金救急。 特殊优惠: Natwest的优惠政策是3%的家庭账单cashback,但是使用该服务的银行账户的资费是3磅每月。家庭账单指的是水电煤气网络房屋税等等所谓的household bill. 并且也有在合作商家中你可以获得至少1%的返现,虽然少了点,但是,包括了BP加油站, eurocar租车公司,halford修车厂等等其他银行不包括的公司,日积月累下来,也算是不错。 RBS: 有一个everyday offers的活动,最高返现到15%,也是需要开通网上银行来得到返现。 然后RBS有一个‘it on us’的活动,每个月,他们都会选出500名客户,为他们的everyday offers免单,免单额度最高到500磅。 |
Withdraw up to £300 cash a day Go big and go home with 1/3 off coach travel Withdraw money overseas Set up standing orders and Direct Debits Online Banking & our Mobile app Emergency Cash and Text Alerts |
来源: http://personal.natwest.com/personal/myrewards.html
无月资费 免费的短信提醒业务 Contactless银行卡 特殊优惠: Barclays现在有一个smartspend和Expedia网站合作的优惠项目。 所谓smartspend就是在barclays合作的商家消费,30-45天之后就可以得到返现。 举个例子来说,比如我在GAP买衣服,我就可以得到5%的返现。就是通过barclays online banking内部的网站访问GAP的网站,然后消费,就可以得到返现。 又或者我通过barclays的内部网站的smartspend访问holland&barrett购买保健品,就可以得到8%的返现。 关于Expedia:这是一个订机票酒店租车的网站,通过barclays内部网站访问,不但能够得到折扣机票,并且还能获得6%的酒店租金返现,如果同时定了酒店和机票还能获得3%的返现。 并且如果你加入了barclays的Blue Rewards,你还能得到额外的1%的折扣。 Barclays还有一个职业起步帮助计划,无论是写CV还是面试,他们都能帮助你学习必要的技巧和指导。 barclays还有一个Digital Driving Licence,从最新的数字模块到编码,电子商务以及分析,这些技能都可以在barclays的online banking中免费获得。 |
Earn cashback and save money with selected brands like Top Man, Reiss, Oasis, Boots, Warehouse and Waterstones through our exclusive SmartSpend service. You can also earn 6% cashback on hotels and 3% cashback when booking flights and hotels together with Expedia. Helping you start your career. Whether you want to make your CV more memorable or be at your best in an interview – we can help you learn the skills you need to get ahead. Gain new tech skills for free with Barclays Digital Driving Licence, our interactive learning experience that’s developed with experts like Microsoft, IBM and Accenture. From modules on the latest trends in digital development to coding, e-Commerce and analytics, you can gain recognised digital badges in whatever interests you. To get started, sign up online or download the app from Apple’s App Store or Google Play. |
Expeida: http://www.barclays.co.uk/SmartSpend/Expedia/P1242688256011
Blue reward:http://www.barclays.co.uk/PersonalBanking/P1242689794073
一种是:LLOYDS BANK CURRENT ACCOUNT 4% AER / 3.93% gross on balances £4,000 - £5,000 2% AER / 1.98% gross on balances £2,000 - £3,999.99 1% AER / 1% gross on balances £1 - £1,999.99 存款需在5000,然后至少每个月有两个不同的定期支付委托(比如你签了一个上网的合同,每个月自动过账xx磅,这个就是Direct Debits,实在不知道中文应该如何翻译) 每月资费从免费到最高5磅,并且可以有每年各种优惠信息比如电影票。杂志等。资费还可以包含贷款,手机保险,家电保险,房屋保险等。具体请联系当地分行。 每个月有入账1500磅,就可以免掉5磅钱的资费 另外一种是classic account 特别之处在于每日最高可以支取500磅现金。 也可以申请透支额度。前25磅透支无利息。详细请咨询当地分行工作人员。
特殊优惠: 也叫作everyday offers,最高到15%的返现(有时候到20%)。基于lloyds在卡迪夫算是最常见的卡(因为classic account无资费)所以大家一定要去注册一个网上银行以及下载一个app哟~ |
LLOYDS BANK CURRENT ACCOUNT: Up to 4% AER variable credit interest and more great benefits with our Club Lloyds current account 4% AER / 3.93% gross on balances £4,000 - £5,000 2% AER / 1.98% gross on balances £2,000 - £3,999.99 1% AER / 1% gross on balances £1 - £1,999.99 Earn credit interest on your whole balance up to £5,000 when you pay at least two separate Direct Debits each month. Access to exclusive offers on a range of Lloyds Bank products, including savings, mortgages, home insurance and credit cards. Choose your Lifestyle Benefit every year per account from: cinema tickets; an annual magazine subscription; or annual Gourmet Society membership. Monthly account fee:Free or £5 per month The £5 fee is waived for each month you pay at least £1,500 into your account. If in any month you don't pay in this amount, you will need to pay the £5 monthly account fee. Classic Account: Withdraw up to £500 a day from any Lloyds Bank Cashpoint or other cash machines. You can apply for a Planned Overdraft where up to the first £25 is interest and fee-free. |
Classic Plus Account 提供contactless银行卡 短信提醒服务 Money planner,一个免费的网上预算工具 存款2000就有5%的AER利率,而且是每月付给利息。但是需要至少每月存500磅进入账户。 而且在每个月前100磅的contactless消费,就有5磅钱返现。截止日期是2016年12月。 并且支持apple pay的账单信息。 并且还有25磅的透支额度。 无月资费 5%的AER利率,前一百磅的contactless的5%返现,我觉得这是给不爱买买买的同学量身打造的账户啊 |
Our most popular account with a high 5% AER variable interest on balances up to £2,000 and no monthly fees.
To earn interest (which is paid monthly) just pay in a minimum of £500 a month and register for Internet Banking, Paperless Statements and Paperless Correspondence .
You must log on to Internet Banking through a desktop or a mobile browser within 12 months to read your inbox messages.
Plus, until 31 December 2016 you can earn 5% cashback on your first £100 of contactless payments every month. |
另外:Current account(平时日常开支所需)+ Saving Account (不开支的闲钱放在这里存利息)是留学生标配,请在开户的时候告诉工作人员你需要一个定期存款的账户。Saving Account的利息虽然不高,但是转账什么的很方便,如果大家想要高利息的账户,可到银行开通定期存款(Fixed Saving)或者购买理财产品等等。
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