- A+
1. 在线填写并提交后的签证申请表打印件,Document Checklist打印件(不能提前签名,需到签证中心面签);
2. 有效的护照原件,其中至少有一页双面的空白页;
3. 父母确认孩子旅行安排及行程的英文确认函,在确认函中注明英国的夏令营具体行程安排,中介的姓名、地址、联系电话以及接待人的护照信息等;
(a signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you, and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK)
4. 过往的旅行记录(旧护照原件);
5. 由英国中介出具的夏令营邀请函以及具体行程安排(均为英文);
6. 父母一方的工作和收入证明(中英文或英文)、银行流水或存款证明(主要内容用英文翻译)。
7. 父母或监护人同意孩子无人陪伴出行的英文同意函,以及父母的联系方式;
(written consent for you to travel to the UK,full contact details)
8. 孩子出生证原件以及英文翻译件;
(a Birth Certificate or legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian)
9. 父母双方护照信息页及签名页复印件;
(a copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number if your parent(s) do not have a passport then you must provide another official document which bears their signature)
* 如果不是夏令营发邀请函,则材料3应提供以下内容:
the name and date of birth of the person that you will be staying with
an address where you will be living
details of your relationship to the person who’ll be looking after you
consent in writing so they can look after you during your stay in the UK
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