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大家好,欢迎收听人大HND Radio, 这里是Life Lesson 101,我是记者谢红果。本期节目中我们很荣幸地邀请到了一位著名网红音乐人。我先卖个关子,让我们一起来听声辨人吧!
爱好:唱歌 编曲 教雅思
成为优秀音乐人的秘诀:Practice, practice, and practice.
话说最近啊,英国刚颁布了一个最佳笑话奖给一个中国人。这个中国人开了新发行的一英镑的玩笑,然后征服了所有英国人。然而,大多数中国网民觉得脑洞不够大get不了笑点——“我不喜欢新发行的一元英镑,再说了,我也不喜欢所有的零钱。”emmmm... 所以笑点在哪里呀笑点在哪里?
Recently, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival just announced the best joke award. A young Chinese man conquered British by joking the newly issued one pound coin. However, most Chinese netizens did not get what’s funny. So here’s the joke. “I'm not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change.”
"I think it will be difficult for the second language learners to understand because it's a pun. A lot of humor in general uses puns. So when you say one thing, it could actually mean something else, which makes people laugh. The word "change" can mean money, or it can mean variations. British humor is kind of self-deprecating, which means we like to make fun of ourselves. I think that's the major difference between British humor and American humor. We are also very sarcastic, like dry sarcasm. Whereas I think in American humor they tend to be louder, or more physical comedy."
“ Firstly, the weather. The reason English people always talk about it is not that it's horrible, but because England is an island, and on the island, the weather is not very stable. From one day to the next it can change quickly. Or in one day we can have four seasons. It could snow in the morning and then rain a bit later. And then in the afternoon, the clouds could disappear. And there's blue sky and sun. It might not be very warm, but warmer.
Besides weather, work would be a big topic. Sports, especially football. And maybe TV shows as well.
“I'd say that English people, especially English students are also renowned for drinking a lot, especially at universities. When I was at University, I always go out with my friends to the bars and clubs to socialize. But some people didn't drink, especially if they are religious, Muslim, for example. And they can't even go somewhere that sells alcohol. So it's difficult for them to socialize with us. But yeah, I agree that drinking is the best way to socialize. But I wouldn't say that you have to drink a lot. You just socialize at the bar and you can order something like orange juice or lemonade, and just pretend it has alcohol in it.
“We don't really have taboos for sending gifts in England. We are not very superstitious, and we don't attach any bad meaning to objects. So anything that would offend a person would probably be a taboo. For example, if you give someone deodorant, they might think, "oh, does he think I smell?". So that could be offensive. We have unlucky numbers such as 13 or 666 because they are associated with the devil. But to be honest, no one really cares if you give them something that has the number 666 or 13. Because most people don't really believe that, so they probably don't care.
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